1- First impression is the best impression. It should be impressive.
A good care cream should be;
- Suitable for your skin-type
- Easily available and affordable
- In hygienic packages
- Travel-friendly
- A list of all ingredients used in the product should be on the label
2- It should not harm
A good care cream must be;
- Non-toxic
- Non-irritating
- Non-comedogenic
- Hypoallergenic
- Steroid-free
- Gluten-free
3- It should have some obvious absorption advantages
A good care cream must have;
- Easy and uniform absorption ability on the skin surface
- Effective penetration power through the deeper layers of the skin
- Long-term effect
4- It should have the most basic features of a care cream with moisturizing properties
A good care cream must have;
- Powerful moisturizing feature
- Effective hydration property without making the skin greasy
- The most appropriate pH balance
5- It should create significant positive effects on the skin
A good care cream with moisturizing properties makes skin;
- bright and glowing
- firm and flexible with the help of elastin
- fresh and clear
- supple and healthy
- less prone to flakiness and bacterial infection.
6- Some specific substances should be present in the active ingredient of the cream
A good care cream with moisturizing properties should present;
- Natural Antibacterial
- Natural Anti antioxidants
- Natural Anti inflammatory
- Natural Immunomodulators
- Vitamins